Boxing Gloves

SKU: ESW-BXGLV-0005 Categories: ,


  • Essential protective gear worn by boxers during training and matches.
  • Designed to protect the hands and wrists while delivering punches.
  • Typically made from leather or synthetic materials with padding inside.
  • Come in various sizes and weights, ranging from 8 oz to 16 oz or more.
  • Boxing gloves have a distinctive shape with a padded area for the knuckles.
  • Secure around the wrists with Velcro straps or laces to ensure a snug fit.
  • Different styles include training gloves, sparring gloves, and competition gloves.
  • Training gloves offer more padding for bag work and drills, while sparring gloves have added protection for partner training.
  • Competition gloves are lighter and provide less padding for actual matches.
  • Boxing gloves are an essential part of a boxer’s equipment, promoting safety and proper technique.